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Problem vyzera presne takto: som skusal googlit a vsetko mozne co ma este napadlo plus
vela tipov z for, tu ich mate zopar mozno niekomu pomozu, mne zial nie:
############################################################# - Open a Note
2 - Press firmly with your nale the left side border of the sceen (continue this with the next steps)
3 - Slowly draw a vertical line from top to down at the middle of the screen
4 - While performing step 3 alternate the pressure of the nail.
Nepomaha - aj ked presne neviem co je bod 1 -- Open a note , neviete co tym myslia??
Nepomohlo ani toto
have had booku problems with the screen moving out of alignment. Today it moved so far I couldn't even get to system settings to re-align. It's been happening every day or so with worsening amounts.
I just tried your tap the four corners firmly and it works again without going to the align settings section.
WOW!! Thanks so much...
Toto nemam ako skusit kedze nemozem ani zadat pin...
with the one i have, i have to take the battery out leave it for ten minutes and try again- if that doesnt work do it again -
get someone to phone you - try and tap the settings.
If this doesnt work - try the above again -
after 3 /4 times you will be able to get into settings and realign......
A este nakoniec jedna utilita: (Remote screen aligment) Vela ludom sa stava taka vec ze ked nahodi ROM sa im to pri starte zasekne pri kalibrovacej obrazovke. Tato utilitka vie tu obrazovku preskocit. sa tam spravit este taka vec ze zmeni registre so spravnym nastavenim displeja. Mozte mi plz niekto poslat jeho hodnoty?
takto nejako by to malo vyzerat v registroch:
"CalibrationData"="1922,1957 3330,639 3317,3276 600,3230 609,677 "
Ja asi budem nuteny objednat novy displej, nasiel som nejake na ebay za cca 22€...